Tufts University
Class of 1969
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Classmates In Florida: 31
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Lary Beaulieu
Rebecca Bell (Sammons)
Barbara Boege (Boege-Wickson)
Jack Boyle
Barry Brody
Dana Brownstein
Dennis Burgess
Michael Dellisola
Lynne Eakin (Curran)
Mark Earle
William Emrich
Richard Fairfield
Suzanne Fenders (Winter)
Thomas Golart
Kathy Goodman (Hallowell)
Lance Johnson
Richard Latham
Cathryn Mattson
Susan Mayans (Brainerd)
Nancy Morris (Henderson)
Mary O'Donnell
Thierry Pelanne
Martha Porter
Gordon Potts
Gerald Poulin
Meredith Rutter
Vernon Sarver
Barbara Signer (Silverman)
Barbara Tarlow (Zack)
Dyrk Wall
Susan White (Fradkin)